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Agent of Change


To all my students (Jurusan Akuntansi, Manajemen, D3 Perbankan, BSI, ICP Tarbiyah),

Have a look on several pictures below. According to you and if it is related with your current study, what is the meaning of each picture? The most important thing is which one described your condition best at the moment?

1st Picture

2nd Picture

What is thinking out of the box imply?

Leave a comment in this page. You can comment using English or Bahasa Indonesia, however, I will appreciate if you try to practice your English in here. No body perfect as long as you have already give the best effort, you are already a winner .

Note: Do not forget to mention Your Name-NIM-Class (example: Yuniarti Hidayah – 0117052011 – Akuntansi A)

About yuniartihidayah

Monash University, Australia, PPAK UB Interests: Listening to music, reading, traveling, eating delicious food, and networking


94 thoughts on “THINK OUT OF THE BOX

  1. 1st picture describe the member of partner in business can not giving solution or argument because the leader didn’t give the opportunities for the member to improve or build the business

    2nd picture describe the member of partner having opportunities to solve the problem in business and build the company. But the member can’t not use their opportunities those given by leader because the member didn’t know what can they do

    Posted by citra priski abadi | May 18, 2011, 3:51 am
  2. people in the box are ordinary people
    if we want to be spacial
    we should be outside the box.
    it means, the way we think should be out of the box.
    we should try to consider, what people did not think. if we want to be special, we should not merely do common things. that’s what creative is.

    Posted by nur ismawatil m.(08320026) | May 18, 2011, 4:01 am
  3. 1st picture shows about people/ businessman which cannot speak or anything they just can look what happen without opportunity to doing something.

    2nd picture shows someone who cant do something, she just look her surround without doing nothing, because she do not has braveness and opportunity.

    Posted by zainiatul mazidah-08320007- A class business english | May 18, 2011, 4:17 am
  4. Dear All, do not forget to explain which picture describe your condition right now and why? Feels free to comment because this is the time to questioning your self “Am I like the people in the picture?”, Thank you

    Posted by yuniartihidayah | May 18, 2011, 5:04 am
    • my codition is in the second picture because i just can see many problem but i can’t not solve the problem , i can’t move to do something there manything limited my movement. The factor because the problem needs more of education, experience and others

      Posted by citra priski abadi | May 18, 2011, 1:45 pm
  5. This is a picture of where a job in an agency or office. where workers are limited by their space, limited by the rules contained in a company. drawn It was shown that workers in the box, it means they are limited by the rules.
    The first picture is actually associated with the second picture. that someone actually had the chance to get out of a rule but it appears there was no doubt also due to fears by the upcoming.
    in my own perspective that absolutely disagree with those picture. So, do not allow fear to stop trying.

    Posted by Siti Fatimatuz Z (08320066)-Bus.English A class | May 18, 2011, 7:15 am
  6. The first picture represents the lack of human freedom in the business world. The existence of a rule that makes human has limitations and attachments that must be adhered in the business world.
    The second picture represents the fear of expression, feel shy to speak, doubt of speech ability is the causal factors that cough ideas and imagination.
    Both of those picture illustrates my position in the world of education right now. Sometimes I feel confined of the rules around me and sometimes I feel ashamed to express the ideas that I have. But I know that I should change me myself, change everything that makes me undeveloped. And I try to do that!
    Thank You šŸ™‚
    Dita Laras Cindy (08320010)

    Posted by Dita Laras Cindy | May 18, 2011, 9:01 am
    • Hi Dita, I really appreciate you’re very brave to admit your position, but remember as I said before..nothing cannot be fixed, as long as you always have a positive thinking and try the very best..I believe in very short time I’ll see the new Dita…Confidence and ready to conquer the world..go..girl

      Posted by yuniartihidayah | May 18, 2011, 5:40 pm
  7. The first picture is a picture of a job in an agency or office. The box illustrates that the workers are in a scope and limited by an ordinance enacted in a company. purpose of the box is a limited scope. The box can be said also of a rule in force.
    The second picture actually had an attachment with the first image. that an employee who actually has a chance to get out of a box or the rules but are still in doubt and fear.
    in my view, I strongly disagree with the first picture, but I prefer the second picture.
    basically, do not allow fear to stop trying new things.

    Posted by Siti fatimatuz z (08320066) A class bis.english | May 18, 2011, 9:53 am
  8. there is a rule should be considered in the first describes about people who work together under one mission but they have different problem and way to be responsible under pressure. it is not easy to find freedom in one mission but we have to feel free to do the mission. who the leader, the way we should move.. if not it will be damage.
    for the second picture, it seems like a spy, not scare but careful. it means that we have to be careful in order to avoid something danger for us. don, be scare but be careful…

    Posted by kamaruddin (08320005) A class Business English | May 18, 2011, 3:53 pm
  9. both of those picture are in mind. careful and responsible.

    Posted by kamaruddin (08320005) A class Business English | May 18, 2011, 3:57 pm
  10. in my opinion makes clear picture about the limited of human creative ideas
    and attachment to the applicable rules
    The second picture explains unbold of joining in the wider world.
    I think my position is in the second picture because sometimes I fell so shy to speak up in front of public.
    Mufidlotul Zuliana (08320011)

    Posted by Dita Laras Cindy | May 18, 2011, 9:47 pm
    • Hi Mufi, No Worries, practice make it perfect. I don’t think that you’re a shy person, probably just lack of chance to speak up. So, I’ll wait up for your opinion or interesting point of view our class this afternoon

      Posted by yuniartihidayah | May 19, 2011, 12:35 am
  11. 1st picture describe a group of people in business life who try to find out a solution to solve their problem. Their solidarity makes them to solve the problem together for finding a good solution. A box is described as a problem and they have to break down the box to escape from the problem. They try to break the box down from many sides (ways)

    2nd picture describe a girl who tries to be careful whatever she want to do. She tries to check the condition suround her to achieve a good result.she does not want to get a high risk without thinking first.
    Think befofe acting…
    Think before talking…
    Think before doing…
    I m prefer to the second picture. šŸ™‚

    Posted by khusnul khotimah Business English II (08320023) | May 19, 2011, 4:12 am
  12. gambar 1
    didalam kotak terdapat banyak orang dengan arti lain disana banyak persaingan dan terdapat banyak individu yang berbeda sifat dan bila kita dapat bersaing disini maka kita akan sukses dalam memasuki dunia perusahaan

    gambar 2
    orang yang ada digambar ini seperti bersembunyi dan seakan takut untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain dan orang ini adalah orang yang takut gagal apabila bersama orang lain sehingga terkesan sendirian

    Posted by miftakhul roifah (akuntansi C 09520035) | May 19, 2011, 7:07 am
  13. The first picture is clear in the box there is more than one graduates or people who are ready to work. But we can see the box that can accommodate the person is very limited or narrow. So obviously the point here that they are graduates or graduates who are ready to work has a very narrow place, but where it will be very spacious and comfortable if they have different capabilities of their rivals and they can utilize best.
    Explained the second picture, a woman trapped and afraid in the box. In reality, not just one woman who have drawn it up, but many others are afraid to compete to get work. Viewed from the eyes and hands, it is clear she feels fear, when he was boxed alone, there are opportunities and ample opportunity for him, but in reality he cannot develop their abilities.

    Posted by Gian Restin | May 19, 2011, 9:30 am
  14. I am very interested in the picture above, sometime when you have time in class discussed yes mom, thank you. Hehe ļŠ

    Posted by Gian Restin (09130003) ICP Tarbiyah | May 19, 2011, 9:43 am
    • Of course I’ll discuss it during our class on next Tuesday, so please asks your classmates hurry up to post their opinion. I’m really curious with all of your classmates point of views and I believe each of you has different opinion related to those pictures

      Posted by yuniartihidayah | May 19, 2011, 4:16 pm
      • okay mom, of course I will give inform for my classmates. thanks mom:-)

        Posted by gian restin | May 21, 2011, 8:50 pm
  15. I am very interested in the picture above, sometime when you have time in class please discussed it mom, thank’s:-)

    Posted by Gian Restin (09130003) ICP Tarbiyah | May 19, 2011, 9:47 am
  16. The first picture is clear in the box there is more than one graduates or people who are ready to work. But we can see the box that can accommodate the person is very limited or narrow. So obviously the point here that they are graduates or graduates who are ready to work has a very narrow place, but where it will be very spacious and comfortable if they have different capabilities of their rivals and they can utilize best.
    Explained the second picture, a woman trapped and afraid in the box. In reality, not just one woman who have drawn it up, but many others are afraid to compete to get work. Viewed from the eyes and hands, it is clear she feels fear, when he was boxed alone, there are opportunities and ample opportunity for him, but in reality he cannot develop their abilities.:-)

    Posted by Gian Restin (09130003) ICP Tarbiyah | May 19, 2011, 10:14 am
  17. okay,…
    seeing on a pictures above at the first sight, i only think on he first picture with some confusing in the meaning in the second picture, but finally i can take some point there that from the first picture it may be meant some rule was mad a business man or an employer feels has not a full freedom for their time also their own affairs. and from the second picture is meant some of these employers which feel uncomfortable with this rule will try to get out of it or may be he/she try to break it secretively. and then i thing, mostly i use to be in the second condition, heee.
    thanks mom for this nice opportunity….;)

    Posted by hayyun lathifaty yasri (09130109) ICP IPS | May 19, 2011, 3:59 pm
    • Hi Hayyun, Very good..from the beginning I always believe what you’re capable of. By trying to give brave opinion in here..I realize step by step you’re leaving your comfort zone at last. So go for it, ..can’t wait to hear your comment on next Tuesday

      Posted by yuniartihidayah | May 19, 2011, 4:57 pm
  18. okay,…
    seeing on a pictures above at the first sight, i only think on he first picture with some confusing on the second picture meaning, but finally i can take some point there that from the first picture it may be meant some rule was mad a business man or an employer feels has not a full freedom for their time also their own affairs. and from the second picture is meant some of these employers which feel uncomfortable with this rule will try to get out of it or may be he/she try to break it secretively. and then i thing, mostly i use to be in the second condition, heee.

    Posted by hayyun lathifaty yasri (09130109) ICP IPS | May 19, 2011, 4:02 pm
  19. In the first picture shows that where a person is working but the boss was not given the freedom to see the outside world in order to move forward, so the potential for permanent employees.
    In the second picture showed that people given the freedom to see the outside world but he did not know what he should do in the absence of sufficient capability for an all out world

    Posted by murni ambarwati (09530014) | May 20, 2011, 6:51 am
  20. Versi Bahasa Indonesia
    Pada gambar 1, menggambarkan beberapa orang yang sedang terjebak di dalam kotak atau bisa dikatakan terjebak dalam pemikirannya dan lingkungan dimana ia berada.

    Pada gambar 2, menggambarkan dimana seseorang sedang mencoba untuk berpikir keluar dari kotak atau bisa dikatakan mencoba untuk berpikir dengan melihat kondisi disekitarnya (diluar lingkungan yang biasa ia tempati).

    Versi Bahasa Inggris
    In Figure 1, describes some people who were trapped inside the box or it could be said trapped in his thinking and the environment in which it is located.

    In figure 2, describing where somebody was trying to think out of the box or can be said to try to think by looking at the condition of the surrounding (outside of her usual environment occupy).

    Posted by Randi Radiantassa Putra-09520068-Akuntansi C | May 20, 2011, 8:12 am
  21. gambar 1,menggambarkan orang-orang yang berada di dalam kotak,hal ini mengilustrasikan cara berpikiran yang sama terhadap sesuatu yang baru dan tidak adanya inovasi terhadap sesuatu yang baru tersebut.sebagai mahasiswa kita dituntut untuk cara berpikir diluar kotak.

    gambar 2,menggambarkan orang yang minder dan takut terhadap persaingan sehingga dia memilih untuk bersembunyi dan menjauhi persaingan.

    Posted by Edho Daeng Septian-09520050-Akuntansi C | May 20, 2011, 8:23 am
  22. KOTAK-1:Menurut pandangan saya pada kotak pertama itu menggambarkan banyak orang yang terbengkalai dalam satu tempat yang membatasi pergerakan dan pemikiran mereka, yang sebenarnya pada diri mereka mungkin saja memiliki pemikiran dan potensi yang besar. Akan tetapi mereka tidak bisa mengeluarkan potensi atau kemampuan mereka dikarenakan dibatasi oleh aturan atau kotak.
    Kotak-2: Disini saya mempunyai gambaran, ada seseorang yang sebenarnya memiliki kemampuan atau potensi yang besar, akan tetapi orang tsb takut untuk memperlihatkan potensinya tersebut.

    Posted by Eko Risky Ardiansyah-09520065-AKUNTANSI C | May 20, 2011, 8:40 am
  23. The first picture is describing about how people compete in one environment. even they could compete well in their environment, it doesn’t mean that they could compete well in another place. so, they have to know about competition in other places well.
    the second picture is describing about people must think outside. because the real competition is in outside.

    Posted by mujib misbahaudin | May 20, 2011, 10:21 am
  24. According to my point of view, the 1st picture describe the person who can not develop their self, because they just accept all they got and they are not too brave and confident to be an extraordinary people that choose a strange way to get their success. So, itā€™s just like they trap in a box and cannot get out from the box.
    The 2nd picture explain about a person who has different thought about his/her problem. They donā€™t like just having a constant life, so he/she thinks about another way that make his/her life out of ordinary. He/she wants his/her life out of the box.
    Iā€™m in position the 1st picture.

    Posted by Novy MustikaSari (09520016) accounting A | May 20, 2011, 1:08 pm
  25. pada gambar pertama menceritakan orang-orang yang ada pada suatu kondisi yang sulit , mereka berusaha bagaimana caranya agar bisa menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. diantara mereka ada yang berusaha mendorong-dorong box, ada juga yang berusaha membuka box tersebut.dan jika kita berada pada posisi tersebut seharusnya sudah memiliki inisiatif terhadap masalah tersebut.
    pada gambar ke dua meceritakan orang yang mau melihat kondisi di sekitarnya meskipun dia tidak mencoba untuk terjun langsung pada kondisi di sekitarnya.Dan pengalamannya sebatas pada lingkup dimana dia berada.
    posisi saya saat ini masih pada gambar 2, karena saya masih dihadapkan pada persoalan tugas kuliah dan belum menghadapi persoalan pada dunia kerja.

    Posted by Nilatun Ni'mah - 09520002 -Akuntansi C | May 20, 2011, 1:47 pm
  26. Gambar 1
    menjelaskan bahwa disitu terdapat sekelompok busnisesman yang tidak diberikan kesempatan oleh pimpinannya untuk berkembang atau ingin maju,karena terkendala dengan peraturan-peraturan yang mengikat di perusahaan tersebut. Tidak ada kebebasan untuk mengekspresikan diri, jadi ikut apa kata boss.
    Gambar 2
    Seseorang yang ragu atau bahkan takut untuk mengambil kesempatan yang ada.
    Padahal,kesempatan tidak datang untuk kedua kali, jadi manfaatkanlah kesempatan dengan sebaik mungkin.

    Posted by Aning Nur R.N (09530005) D3 Perbankan Syariah | May 20, 2011, 2:05 pm
  27. gambar 1. mengilustrasikan dimana orang-orang yang ada didalamnya terjebak pada posisi yang sulit, tapi diantara mereka berusaha untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut dengan cara keluar dari keadaan tersebut mereka berusaha mendorong box tersebut ada pula yang berteriak dan ada yang mencoba membuka box tersebut.
    gambar 2. mengilustrasikan orang yang ada pada posisi dimana dia mencoba melihat fenomena yang ada diluar lingkungannya tapi dia masih da pada lingkup yang sempit.
    posisi saya pada saat ini masih pada posisi gambar 2. yang mana saya masih dihadapkan pada permasalahan dalam lingkup tugas mata kuliah dan belum dihadapkan pada permasalahan di dunia kerja.

    Posted by Nilatun Ni'mah | May 20, 2011, 2:15 pm
  28. gambar 1 menggambarkan bahwa terdapat sekolompok pegawai dalam perusahaan yang tidak dapat ngepresiasikan ide dan kekreatifannya dikarenakan ada batasan yang diberikan oleh pemimpin kelompok tersebut. sehingga para pegawai tidak bisa berkembang dan memajukan perusahan tempat mereka bekerja
    gambar 2 menggambarkan terdapat seseorang yang tidak dibatasi oleh apapun tetapi dia masih ragu-ragu untk mengembangkan potensi, bakat dan ide- ide yang dia miliki. dia masih ragu-ragu dalam mengambil langkah yang akan dia lakukan

    Posted by zulfa ulinnuha (09530001) perbankan syariah | May 20, 2011, 4:12 pm
  29. The first picture shows people of business in some company, in their company they must obey to the company’s rule, the really they want to develop their think and out from the rule but they cannot out from it.
    second picture shows person want to out from the company’s rule with silents because he want to develop her experience and want freewill.

    I like second picture because it make me develop my knowledge and experience. I want free for do good something in my work. I dislike rule that make me not free.

    Posted by Wahyu Furqondari (09130072) ICP IPS | May 21, 2011, 3:44 am
  30. the 1st picture : shows that people in the box can’t express and practise their ideas. they only can follow the orders of their boss, although they also want freedom.

    the 2nd picture : shows that people in the box want to say and practice her idea, but she is afraid, if other people reject her opinion/idea.

    * i choose pictur no.2 because if I’m ready, I will express my ideas

    Posted by Meytha Sari A (09130004) ICP-IPS | May 21, 2011, 7:26 am
  31. The first picture describes a group of communities that can not do something because of pressure of from they boss hung up on rules made ā€‹ā€‹by they bosses so that they can only to follow it but actually they already tired of the situation and want to be free
    The second image describe person who actually has ideas that implanted because of she was shy and afraid to speak in front of people he actually can start to brave spend all the ideas and opinions that he has because no one had a prevented or suppress it like which is in the first picture

    Posted by ratih kumalasari (09530010) | May 21, 2011, 8:24 am
  32. 1st picture explains that many people are trying to get out of a narrow room. In my opinion,accountants must have values such as honesty, loyalty and others. many accountants who are mired in foul things like window dressing etc, they really want to get out because of all that but it is difficult.

    2nd picture, there is picture of people who seem afraid because they can not do anything to these conditions. if he did not do it (like fraud, window dressings, etc.), he is afraid to cant get more material and fear with people who have the power (the cheating clients)

    Posted by Mirza Nurul Laili (09130016) P.IPS | May 21, 2011, 1:15 pm
  33. First picture, discrebes that people have a inspiration, idea, and many argument but they haven’t opportunity for take or put ouside the argument’s and ideas because they found out pressure from boss until they just follow the boss.

    Second picture, discrebes that shy people, do not know how take or put outside the argument.

    Posted by MIA YULI NUR AINI (09530009) | May 22, 2011, 7:27 am
  34. in my opinion,
    first picture show to us that many people in their job canā€™t express what they want, chained like in the jail or someone who dissatisfied with job that already chosen before and they must do it and must obey the rule in their firm. they work with fell stress, how pity you are, i hope, this condition not happen to us after we graduated and get the jobā€¦.^_^
    second picture, show to us that in business world or other, there is people who afraid to do something or face the condition in outside although many opportunities. maybe, in fact they have ability but they shy or afraid to express their ability because they afraid their act is wrong and fail!
    or maybe they run away from their job, and hide to cover their mistakeā€¦..
    once again, hope this condition not happen to us,ā€¦..amin

    Posted by Dewi Rossilia (09130024) P.IPS | May 22, 2011, 10:04 am
  35. In my opinion
    The first picture: it describes someone who is bound by a single job that can guarantee his life, but someone that wants to further increase their income and maximize the potential that exists within him to develop other businesses. it means the first picture show someone does not only want to be governed but also wants to rule, and try to be free to develop.
    The second picture: it describes a person who has the freedom and the absence of attachment, but someone was still afraid to initiate and develop the existing potential in him as if in her or him only filled with fear and anxiety to try and start a business.
    I chose the first picture because I think even if someone is bound by a single job, but if someone can set the time he or she has and can maximize the potential that exists within him surely someone could have a better life and be free to develop in accordance with her wishes, and not always regulated but also can regulate.

    Posted by HASNA RUFAIDA (09130122) ICP TARBIYAH | May 22, 2011, 12:10 pm
  36. gambar 1,semua orang yang ada di dalamanya merupakan orang-orang yang memiliki kemampuan, tapi kemampuan yang mereka miliki memiliki batas ruang gerak sehingga mereka tidak dapat berkembang.

    gambar 2, berbeda dengan gambar 1, gambar dua lebih kepada seseorang yang memiliki kemampuan dan memiliki kesempatan untuk mengembangkan kemampuannya, akan tetapi orang tersebut masih ragu untuk melangkah.

    Posted by Uswatun Hasanah (09520010) akuntansi | May 22, 2011, 1:44 pm
  37. The first picture illustrates how the people who are in the box that may have more expertise in a particular case that the image can only be actualization in a box or good home games but not for away games.
    The second picture shows the people who might have the ability to actualization in the outside, but still has a sense of doubt or fear to run opportunities.

    Posted by Ahmad Fatieh B. (09520029) | May 22, 2011, 3:54 pm
  38. The first picture describe the condition of businessman who have the ability and good skill but the environment is unsupport by the limitted area and the rival is very much, and this make their skill or ability usefull. But if they want effort to get the opportunity in other place i think they will be succesful.
    The second picture describe the businessman or human who have big opportunity but she donā€™t have any skill and this make she be a fraid to show and explore her ability. In this picture show us how important of skill and ability, that way we must prepare for our future.
    I hope i will not face both of that condition, but if i must face that condition i will effort to get a good way . the important one for this time is study hard to have a good ability for our future.

    Posted by Soimatul.M(09130040) | May 23, 2011, 12:46 am
  39. gambar 1
    gambar 1 menunjukkan bahwa orang tersebut tidak mau melihat dunia luar, mereka hanya terpaku pada lingkungannya saja. sehingga yang mereka tahu hanya hal hal yang ada pada lingkungan tersebut baik itu ilmu maupun yang lain.
    gambar 2
    gambar 2 menunjukkan meskipun sama sama di dalam box tetapi pada box 2 masih mau melihat lingkungan yang lain tidak terpaku pada masalah itu saja.
    menurut saya yang lebih baik adalah box 2, karena meskipun ada masalah masih mau melihat dunia luar jadi tidak terpaku pada satu lingkungan saja.

    Posted by HANDI LAKSONO (09520047) | May 23, 2011, 2:03 am
  40. 1st picture:its describe about thinking power of a group of people who are still in a limited environment so that information gained very little and did not know about the outside of the world.consequently the mind of that people thought simple enough.
    2nd picture:second picture just like the first picture but this picture have differences.the people in this box have started to look out to the outside the world so the information becomes wider.its make the people in this box know about something outside of the box.
    “i think i’am now in the 2nd picture becausen i doesnt feel enough with the information which i get in that box so i already to out of the box coz i want get the better future and face the challenges of the outside world.
    i think that is my opinion mrs. yuni about that picture.
    thank you,wasalamualaikum…

    Posted by agripta "rio" ananda putra | May 23, 2011, 2:25 am
  41. Gambar Pertama
    Menunjukkan bahwa sekelompok orang daya pikirnya masih terbatas dan terkekang pada suatu sistem. sehingga daya imajinasi, kreatifitas seseorang terbatas dalam hal ini yang menghambat seseorang untuk lebih maju dan berpola pikir kritis
    Gambar Kedua
    Seseorang sudah berani untuk keluar diri dari suatu sistem. sehingga informasi yang didapat semakin luas, lebih kreatif, lebih berpotensi dibandingkan gambar yang pertama. Maka perlu ditingkatkan agar kedepannya lebih baik dan bagus, sehingga dia dapat mengembangkan potensi yang dimilikinya.
    Saya lebih memilih yang berada diposisi yang Gambar Kedua karena saya orangnya tidak suka terkekang oleh sistem sehingga kita bisa lebih kreatif, imajinasi, potensi diri kita bisa tersalurkan. sehingga kita bisa menjadi seseorang yang dinamis

    Posted by Febry Ardianto | May 23, 2011, 2:47 am
  42. 1.according me this picture explained is exprience is very important, and people on the box they are clever but not have enough experience, so! if they can job more challenge they will difficult because they only focus on the job but rarely ignore the event in the external environment.
    2. according me the second picture she she has the talent but a lot of factors that influence it not develop such us the environment and people around her

    Posted by NURIYA SARI (O9520012) | May 23, 2011, 2:51 am
  43. The first picture, a description of a group that has the same idea, and only accelerated in the neighborhood. people who are in it there is no innovation thinking, because that limits the working environment. work environment is the less developed because it limits the thinking of those who work there in.

    The second picture, a description of a work environment that allows people who are inside to think beyond thinking work environment. in this picture, there began to innovative thinking. work environment like this can be to develop human resources who work in it.

    Posted by Amrulloh (09520049) Accounting | May 23, 2011, 3:16 am
  44. Figure 1. illustrates where the people inside are trapped in a very difficult position, there is no gap at all for the move, which is actually in them may have thought and great potential but they have trouble explore of brilliant idea that exist in him, maybe because of limited insight, or perhaps because of other factors. But among those trying to resolve the problem by way of exit from the situation, they are trying to push the box there is a scream and some are trying to solve the box.
    Figure 2. illustrates that there are people in positions where he tried to look beyond its environmental phenomena. But in him there is still fear, because people were less and less socially communicate, so he’s afraid of the colorful contents of this world, and probably occurred in him feelings of fear to explore the main potential.and most likely, he was afraid of failure.

    Posted by Ninda Yuni A (09130119) | May 23, 2011, 7:08 am
  45. 1.Pada kotak pertama terdapat beberapa orang yang hanya berfikir di dalam suatu sistem perusahaan. Tidak memikir luas di luarnya. Juga memberitahu bahwa gambar itu ibarat orang yang hanya berpikir tentang yang sudah ditetapkan dan lumrah. Sehingga kemampuan dan kreativitasnya kurang muncul. Akan terbelakang jika tidak memikirkan keadaan di luar kondisinya sekarang.
    2. Salah satu hal yang perlu kita ketahui dan perlu juga dimindsetkan dalam cara berpikir kita adalah ā€œTHINK OUT OF THE BOXā€. Berpikirlah dengan wawasan yang luas dan tak terbatas, apalagi saat kita bergaul dengan dunia bisnis, tentunya pola pikir seperti ini mutlak akan mendukung datangnya kesuksesan saat kita mengelola bisnis yang sedang dibangun. Sebuah sistem juga seharusnya bisa membuat orang yang ada di sistem itu berkembang. gambar 2 itu seharusnya para karyawan berfikir mengembangkan diri dengan kemungkinan-kemungkinan masalah-masalah yang timbul di luar jangkauan mereka. Sehingga pikiran mereka tidak hanya monoton dengan kebiasaan masa lalu, tetapi gebrakan baru yang bisa membuat suatu perusahaan bangun dan berkembang.
    Pikiran saya cenderung ke gambar nomor 2. Karena jika hanya melihat dengan realita yang ada di dalam suatu kondisi akan menghambat proses pengembangan diri. Berfikir kreative adalah salah satu cara saya untuk saat ini menggunakan think of out the box itu

    Posted by SHABRINA NUR ADILA | May 23, 2011, 11:04 am
  46. gambar 1

    menurut saya gambar pertama menggambarkan orang yang hanya mau tahu tentang keadaan sekitarnya saja, untuk mengetahui dunia luar, mereka kurang begitu merespon dunia luar, mereka hanya ingin tahu saja keadaan lingkungan sekitarnya saja. untuk adanya suatu hal yang berasal dari luar mereka tidak mau menerima.

    gambar 2

    menurut saya gambar 2 ini merupakan cerminan orang yang tidak puas hanya mengetahui d lingkungan sekitarnya saja, dia ingin tahu juga dunia luar sebagai tolak ukur dia dalam melakukan sesuatu hal dalam kesehariannya. meskipun dengan cara perlahan tapi dia bisa mengetahui dunia luar dan mengambil dari sisi baiknya saja jangan mengambil sisi buruknya.

    Posted by Rizal Pratama Anandita / akuntansi B / 09520017 | May 23, 2011, 11:07 am
  47. for the first picture,i describe many people inside the box are lookingfor the experience in outside or in them live. (like a frog inside the piece of coconut shell). šŸ™‚
    and than, i choose the second box.
    the reason is although the people is one, but she can go outside fro the box, than she can know what are in out of the world.
    Thanks mom.. šŸ™‚

    Posted by bakti wardiyanah | May 23, 2011, 11:26 am
  48. gambar 1: gambar tersebeut menggambarkan orang-aorang yang berada dalam satu tempat,mereka mempunyai kemampuan untuk memberikan perubahan dalam tempat itu tapi mereka tidak bisa berbuat banyak karena mereka tidak bisa apa-apa,mereka terikat dengan peraturan yang ada ditempat itu.

    NB: tempat ( perusahaan Dll )
    gambar 2: gambar itu menggambarkan orang yang mempunyai kemampuan dan berada di tempat yang bisa dibilang memberi dia kebebasan untuk menyalurkan kemampuannya tapi orang itu merasa tidak yakin dengan kemapuan yang dia miliki.

    Posted by Moh.Mohlis romadhan | May 23, 2011, 1:23 pm
  49. first picture, show that all people can’t develop their ability because they are in the limited room, in my opinion i see that they need freedom to show their ability
    second picture, her woman is too shy and i think she is afraid feel failed when show her ability

    Posted by ika rozy septya dewi 09130022 | May 23, 2011, 5:03 pm
  50. before of all, i say thanks to miss yuni who gives me chance to give a comment to those pictures
    from the first picture it shows us about togetherness in doing anything that we want to finish it by best doing, in order that what we are doing will be running well as well as possible.but in fact, from the picture see that they want to go from the box out but they do not have an organized well till they have their own way. but actually, if we face some problem we discuss till we have the solution
    the second picture shows us that what we have seen like problem for the example, we are affraid to face it, because we think that what we do is not comfortable or we are not confident to responsible

    and i think, iam including to the second picture

    Posted by shafiatul jamilah | May 24, 2011, 2:28 am
  51. gambar pertama menggambarkan organisasi yang sangat baik. karena mereka bekerja sama untuk memecahkan masalah yang membelit, dan mereka bersama – sama berusaha agar bisa keluar dari masalah yang mereka hadapi.

    gambar kedua menggambarkan seseorang yang kesulitan dalam memecahkan masalah, dan bingung mencari cara untuk memecahkan masalah yang telah membelitnya…

    Posted by Khurnia Sari (09520001) | May 24, 2011, 2:36 am
  52. Gambar 1:
    Menurut saya didalam gambar 1 diatas menunjukkan bahwasanya didalam kotak tersebut terdapat banyak orang, dari gambar itu dapat di ilustrasikan ketika kita bergaul dan berkomunikasi dengan orang banyak maka disitu kita pasti akan menemukan hal-hal yang baru, mendapat pengalaman yang baru, dan disitu juga kita akan terbiasa bergaul dengan orang lain, akan tetapi didalam keadaan tersebut kita juga harus tahu bahwa didalam keadaan tersebut kita akan menghadapi lawan-lawan atau pesaing-pesaing baru.

    Gambar 2:
    Dalam gambar 2 diatas terdapat kotak yang didalamnya hanya ada satu orang, menurut saya keadaan seperti itu tidak baik karena keadaan seperti itu menunjukkan seseorang yang suka menyendiri tidak mau bergaul dengan orang lain dan mencari pengalaman dari orang lain.
    Kalau dilihat dari kedua gambar diatas saya termasuk orang yang ada digambar satu tapi saya masih banyak mengalami kesulitan.

    Posted by Nurul Afifah (09520032) | May 24, 2011, 2:45 am
  53. I think the first picture, illustrates the creativity and ability but the ability is limited (not channeled). so that these capabilities do not have the benefits and become meaningless.

    while the second picture, tells us that someone who has the ability but he’s afraid to face the outside world. so that the same case with one image, its ability can not develop optimally.

    Posted by aulia sandra ozha | May 24, 2011, 2:54 am
  54. In my opinion: The first pictures of the people who have the insight and ability enough but he was unable to face the outside world .. The second picture shows someone who will show his ability, although still in doubt and lack of confidence ..

    Posted by DINI AINIL MURNI (09520069) | May 24, 2011, 2:56 am
  55. gambar 1:
    disini gambarnya menjelaskan bahwa banyak orang yang terjebak dalam boks,dalam arti didalam berbisnis banyaknya persaingan antara satu dengan yang lain,atau berlomba2 mencapai sukses
    gambar 2:
    disini menggambarkan bahwasannya mencuri2 kesempatan untuk melihat dunia luar,,dan masih tidak percaya diri untuk langsung terjun ke lapangan.

    Posted by maslikha | May 24, 2011, 2:59 am
  56. 1. gambar tersebut menunjukkan adanya sekelompok orang yang sedang terjebak dalam 1 ruangan tertutup dan mereka tidak dapat keluar dari tempat itu. atau sebut saja sekelompok orang tersebut dihadapkan pada satu kondisi yang sulut dan mereka tidak menemukan titik terang. dalam gambar tersebut diperlihatkan bahwasannya mereka sibuk sendiri untuk mengeluarkan diri mereka masing-masing. kesimpulannya mereka menggunakan ego masing-masing saat dihadapkan pada kondisi klimaks. seharusnya saat mereka berada atau berkomitmen untuk bersatu, mereka harus tetap bersatu. semua harus tetap satu tujauan. apa yang dikatakan oleh “kapten” sudah seharusnya semua mengikutinya pada kondisi apapun. sehingga semuanya dapat diselesaikan dengan kekuatan bersama. seperti halnya sapu lidi, jika sapu lidi itu hanya per helai maka akan dengan mudah patah, akan tetapi jika disatukan akan sulit dipatahkan. sama halnya dengan kasus pada gambar 1, maka mereka harusnya tetap bersatu untuk menyelesaikan semuanya, dan untuk menghindari profokasi dari pihak lain.

    2.gambar tersebut dijelaskan bahwasannya ada seseorang yang mengintip dari balik kardus. hal tersebut menurut saya, orang tersebut mencoba untuk keluar berinteraksi dengan dunia luar namun, orang tersebut masi tidak yakin atau takut dengan ancaman-ancaman yang ada di luar sana. atau orang tersebut ingin memulai semuanya kembali atau bangkit kembali,mungkin orang tersebut sebelumnya mengalami kegagalan sehingga orang tersebut masih terbayang dengan kegagalan tersebut dan takut akan kegagalan itu lagi.

    Posted by finta maha (09520039) | May 24, 2011, 3:02 am
  57. 1. In my opinion the first picture shows many business man get uncertainty in business activities, but they must tray effort to go from the to that uncertainty.
    2. Second picture shows an entrepreneur always be careful to take decide although they have worried with that.

    Posted by Eris Nanda Mufarikha (09530002) D3 Perbankan Syariah | May 24, 2011, 3:04 am
  58. Gambar 1
    gambar 1 seperti yang sudah di jelaskan oleh bu Yuni, menggambarkan sebuah perusahaan yang sudah maju dan ingin mengembangkan usaha tetapi masih ada kekurangan dalam beberapa hal.
    Gambar 2
    dapat di ibaratkan seorang yang ingin melihat dunia luar, tetapi masih takut untuk mengahapi tantangan baru.

    Posted by Reni Sagita Nova | May 24, 2011, 3:04 am
  59. 1. The first picture shows that the employee could not show their abilities as limited by regulations made ā€‹ā€‹by the companies or their leaders. so they just follow orders of their leaders.
    2. The second image shows that an employee who does not dare show his ability, he may not have the mental strength of competition in the world of work. even though their leaders had given the opportunity and chance but he did not want to use the opportunity.

    Posted by NUR LAILATUS SA'DIYAH | May 24, 2011, 3:06 am
  60. the first picture
    like “a mild” new advertisement’s, cigarette advertisement. With theme “talk less do more”. group of people in the box could mean that many of those typical people talking without actualization. however, we can assess visually, that they are those individuals who are always competing in their surroundings.
    the second picture
    this woman alone, but want to see ‘out’ of her world, she believed that the socialization to life outside the open window made ā€‹ā€‹her world, science. Typical of these people, friendly, social, funny and always wanted to know what’s in the vicinity.

    Posted by Masriatun Nikmah 09520058 | May 24, 2011, 3:19 am
  61. Gambar 1
    menurut saya gambar tersebut menceritakan tentang sekelompok orang yang mempunyai pekerjaan namun orang-orang tersebut berfikir menurut keinginan mereka dan hanya dalam ruang lingkup itu saja (yaitu dalam box)

    Gambar 2
    menurut saya gambar tersebut menceritakan tentang orang yang ingin membuka wawasannya lebih tinggi sehingga dia tahu akan dunia luar yang dulu belum pernah dia jelajahi.

    Posted by Geralda Emilia Putri | May 24, 2011, 4:33 am
  62. gambar 1: yaitu menggambarkan suatu komunitas yang sebenarkan mempunyai bakat yang bagus smua, tetapi mereka ketika ingin keluar untuk menunjukkan bakatnya masih belum tahu caranya, mereka masih binggung mencari jalan keluar, jika mereka bisa bergabung menjdi 1, mereka akan menemukan jalan keluar, dan bisa menunjukkan kemampuan mereka kepda pidak luar
    gambar 2:
    menggambarkan seseorang yang mempunyai kemapuan, tetapi dia masih malu untuk menunjukkan kepada orang lain, sebaiknya memotivasi dirinya sendiri untuk bisa menunjukkan kemampuan dirinya sendiri.

    Posted by NANIK SUGIARTI (09520082) | May 24, 2011, 4:41 am
  63. picture 1 :people who are in a box means a person who did not know about the outside world and do not understand the world outside their field and have not understood the purpose of the job. in other words still not professional.
    picture 2 :people who have ideals or philosophy of life but still afraid or hesitant to take decisions and act

    Posted by ARIF RISKA K -09520013 - KELAS B | May 24, 2011, 5:26 am
  64. picture 1 :people who fettered in the world of work and just focus on making it difficult to develop self-fields with the information in the outside world. because the time taken only for his job

    picture 2:people who have life goals or outlook on life but are still hesitant to take decisions and act to realize the dream of terse…

    Posted by zefry luttadinata -09520023 - KELAS B | May 24, 2011, 5:33 am
  65. 1st picture this shows about people or stockholder, which cannot seem or anything and don’t understand about condition in near them they just can look what happen without to doing something maybe talk more do less.
    2nd picture, there is picture of people or stockholder, in the picture they lazy and afraid to do something,because they don’t read condotion in the near them,maybe they not optimis in the selfthem,althoug they loss more oppurtunity

    Posted by Eko Nurhadi | May 24, 2011, 7:43 am
  66. my opinion :
    The first picture show about an organization is trapped in a problem and they canā€™t solve the problem.but they try to solve the problem.

    The second picture show about the existence of opportunities to get out and grow, but there is a doubt in a person to take the opportunities.

    Posted by Novi Alhayati (09530006) | May 24, 2011, 8:02 am
  67. pada gambar no 1 menggambarkan sebenarnya mereka semua mempunyai kemapuan atau pengetahuan yang lebih tetapi mereka sulit Untuk mengembangkan pemikiran mereka sehingga sulit untuk memberikan inovasi2,kreatiftas2 yang bisa mengembangkan dan menunjukkan kemampuan mereka itu sendiri maupun perusahaan ke dunia luar. mungkin ini disebabkan oleh sistem yang ada perusahaan mereka dan ruang gerak mereka kurang yang berakibat pada ketumpulan kreatifitas.

    pada gambar no 2 ini menggambarkan tentang orang yang masih ragu dan malu untuk menujukkan kemampuannya sendiri tetapi dia masih mempunyai kesempatan untuk mengembangkan daya pikirnya terhadap perusahaan masalahnya hanya keberanian saja untuk menunjukkan jati dirinya saja.

    Posted by Robiatul adawiyah (09520026) akuntansi B | May 24, 2011, 1:15 pm
  68. picture 1
    Picture one describe an entrepreneur is facing the problem and entrepreneurs difficult find solution to go from the to that problems.

    picture 2
    Second picture describe an entrepreneur is see around condition to try effort.

    Posted by SIRWANDI (09520003) | May 24, 2011, 1:18 pm
  69. The first picture
    Describing a few people or an organization that confined or constrained his creativity as a job.
    The second picture
    Describing someone who is not capable of removing the ability or creativity because of embarrassment and lack confidence

    Posted by Lanny Nasya A.R-akuntansi | May 24, 2011, 4:34 pm
  70. image 1:
    In my opinion, this picture describe a person must be able to survive in the working world faces a very heavy competition.
    Image 2:
    In my opinion, this picture decribe how a person can not grow because they do not have the capability that can be given.

    Posted by SIGIT AHMAT HARIANTO(O9520011) | May 24, 2011, 4:46 pm
  71. image 1:
    I think, this picture describe a person must be able to survive in the working world faces a very heavy competition.
    Image 2:
    I think, this picture decribe how a person can not grow because they do not have the capability that can be given.

    Posted by SIGIT AHMAT HARIANTO(O9520011) | May 24, 2011, 4:49 pm
  72. In my opinion, spontaneity sure I will think that the first picture shows that the condition of an employee is most like in the first picture. Where a person’s aspirations to become what he wants will never be. That happened because the leader does not give freedom to aspire. So there are several types of such force for what he wants can be heard but any business still can not. They must understand their nature simply run existing without expecting much. While the second picture, he already has what most people want for being owned. But he is still hesitant in doing an act. He still saw his surroundings because he was not confident about what he wanted to show. For me, I do not really wants to be in those conditions between first and second picture. As I want to be my self, so that’s why I do not want to be an employee. But it does not mean if I dislike with people who is an employee. Whereas I appreciate really with that job, and I think I unsuitable with that job. I just want to be free with a create a job for many people. Then try to help people for not in that position when I have a partner in the job. I try practice the leadership as far as I can do. Basically, relate to the lesson that have been learned in my business class. Thank you.

    Posted by eka farid rizkia - BSI-08320077 | May 25, 2011, 11:28 am
  73. opini saya untuk gambar 1 adalah seseorang yang masih terlelap dalam dimensi hati. Seperti seekor ulat
    yang masih nyenyak dalam hangatnya kepompong yang enggan untuk melihat sumber kehangatan dunia. Jadi pada gambar 1 orang-orang tersebut masih merasa nyaman didunianya, belum tahu atau mengerti akan banyak kehangatan diluar kepompong mereka.

    opini untuk gambar 2, adalah, laksana ayam yang ingin keluar dari dalam telur, tetapi masih ragu apa yang akan dia hadapi diluar, jika dia yakin dan mengeri dan paham bahwa hidup selalu menanggung resiko, bahwa hidup penuh dengan tantangan, dan banyaknya ragam peerbedaan, maka dia akan tegar dan berani keluar dengan apa yang dia miliki. tetapi jika dia masih ragu dan takut maka dia akan kembali dalam pusaran belenggu jiwa. Jadi dalam berusaha harus diawali dengan niat, tekad, dan usaha.

    Posted by Arif Irawan | May 27, 2011, 10:21 am
  74. Gambar 1
    Menurut saya pada gambar yang pertama adalah menunjukkan bahwa seseorang itu sebenarnya mampu melakukan semua apa yang diinginkan dan apa yang di luar akan tetapi mereka tak mau peduli dengan lingkungan luar yang banyak pengalaman dan banyak info lebih dari orang lain.
    Gambar 2
    menurut saya pada gambar ke dua menunjukkan bahwa orang tersebut mampu dengan kemampuannya yang dimilikinya tetapi orang tersebut tak berani untuk menunjukkan kemampuannya dengan sekitarnya karena orang tersebut merasa kurang bisa dibabdingkan dengan dengan orang lain.

    Posted by Attya | May 27, 2011, 10:33 am
  75. The first picture describes, which likened the box is a company and people who are in the box are the people who worked at the company. these people like being trapped in the box and could not get out, it is clear that the people who worked at the company was not given the freedom to exit from the company, and worked at other companies. the walls of the box means that the company makes systems that make workers can not get out and separated from the company. while the second picture to explain where the person is inside the box, described as a worker at a company. these people can peek out this explains that the workers in these companies are given the freedom to review the situation of other companies outside.

    Posted by Mujahid Akbar | May 27, 2011, 3:00 pm
  76. name:nesia solikhatun nisa
    student id:09520077
    class:Accaounting B

    based on the pictures 1, people trapped in the box that meaning they just stay in their environment only, and never look around outside their environment, and never open up their mind because they only stay inside never trying to go out from the box to look around what happen outside now,that make they lose important event and never get new important experience.
    based on the picture 2, the man inside trying to look around his environment and try to open his mind to accept what’s new information from outside, in other words, the man’s mind was in development because he is trying new experiences

    Posted by nesia solikhatun nisa | May 28, 2011, 6:21 am
  77. 1st picture illustrates the existence of people who are trapped in the regulations. And they can’t escape from the regulations. So that,they can’t develop.
    2nd picture illustrates a person who has freedom, but the person is unable to take advantage of these freedoms to achieve something positive. May be many nice opportunities there. But the person is too scared to see the outside world.

    Posted by ANISA LUTHFIANA ( 09530003 ) | May 29, 2011, 1:36 am
  78. I think, figure 1 illustrates about the successful people but they can not apply themselves in society. so that they can only obey his superiors’ orders and not able to be successful by itself. they try to get out of the glass box, but in vain. it is because they do not have a stance, they are afraid of his superiors.
    Figure 2 is a woman who is in an open box, and only their eyes visible.
    I think a woman is able to be successful, but he was afraid, he did not have high confidence that he was afraid of his opponents out there, he doubted whether he could to succeed.
    from the second picture, figure 1 is the people in it can be to get out if they want to try and believe that he can to succeed, and not have to obey all superiors desire. if indeed true boss, no problem. but if his boss wrong then they should move da not silent.
    Figure 2 are those around the woman he helped with memberika motivations, impulses, and be able to get closer to Him so that confidence in self kepercayaa will arise by itself in him.

    Posted by LULUK LATHIFAH ; Manajemen A (09510059) | June 4, 2011, 12:42 am

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